
Julie Catona is a highly experienced designer, artist, and Social Media Director based in Wellington FL. With over 15 years of experience in Graphics design, Fine Art, VFX, Stop-motion Animation, Graphic Artwork, and sculpture, Julie has established herself as a versatile and talented professional. She is currently the Director of Social Media Marketing within an Agency environment for 7+ years. Julie is also META Certified and has won numerous awards for Graphics Design Advertising and Digital Design. She is a WWA Association Speaker and Presenter on Social Media Marketing in the Water Park and Theme Park industry.

Her portfolio showcases her diverse range of skills and talents. You can find examples of her work in graphics design, fine art, VFX, stop-motion animation, graphic artwork, and sculpture. She is constantly keeping up-to-date with evolving technologies in online social media platforms, SEO, Marketing, Graphic design, and Animation. Her expertise in these areas has made her a valuable asset to the agency she works for.